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Kingdom of Saudi Arabia Ministry of Education

Al-Taif International School

School Language Policy


Al-Taif International School for British Curriculum fosters cultural diversity by providing a caring international atmosphere. Individual students realize their maximum academic potential and are motivated to become lifelong learners and responsible global citizens. This policy has been prepared since language is the foundation of all learning and is essential to the school's mission and aims.

Language programs at Al-Taif International School are as follows:

  • English is the language of teaching

  • National language: Arabic

  • Non-native tongue: French

    Language statistics:

    Approximately 99.99% of students at Al-Taif International School speak Arabic as their first language. The majority of students joined the school to learn English.

    The national Saudi curriculum (Arabic language and Islamic Studies) is taught in Arabic, while other topics are taught in English (e.g. Mathematics, English, Science, Computing, Social studies, etc.).

    Families expressed their desire to teach their children English as a main language.

    Both English and Arabic function as the institution's official languages for operations, communication, and administration.

    Although English and Arabic have equal status in the school's language curriculum, other languages are respected and given attention since our school community is mainly multilingual as an international school.

    When contacting and communicating with parents, both Arabic and English can be used based on the parent's request and preference.

    How much we care about the mother tongue of our students:

    Al-Taif International School acknowledges that a person's mother language is an essential component of his or her identity, and that it is essential to affirm and nurture students' mother tongues. Additionally, the school acknowledges that multilingualism is an integral component of the usual ATIS classroom. Teachers are advised to make use of this fact as effectively as possible without diminishing the significance of English's growth as a global language.

    The school library has multilingual literature as well as a selection of Arabic and English books, novels, short stories, periodicals and magazines. Each academic year, the ATIS celebrates Arabic Language Day as it is the only official and national language of Saudi Arabia and the mother tongue of the majority of our students. Celebrations take the form of competitions, contests, traditional and cultural dance, and so on. Students are often urged and motivated to make presentations in both Arabic and English at the morning assembly. The parent community is also actively urged to collaborate, develop and maintain their children's mother tongue, and consider English as a additional rather than a primary language.

    English language enhancement:

    As noted previously, nearly all students are second- or foreign-language English learners. The institution acknowledges that the acquisition of a second or foreign language is a gradual developmental process. Therefore, a great deal of emphasis is placed on comprehending English via gradual listening, reading, speaking, and writing exercises. The ATIS is devoted to providing remedial help for language learning through extra support classes at the end of each school day.

    If a student shows poor performance and has one or more of the following conditions, the school provides additional help so that they may access the curriculum in a way that allows them to receive the best education.

    The students who need immediate help include:

  • A student whose family members cannot speak English.

  • Students who don't receive any attention or support at home.

  • Students coming from a school where English is not the medium of instruction.

  • Students transferring from another school but need academic support.

    The school requires all newcomers to take a placement test to check their level and proficiency in English. If the student shows a lack of competence or inability to use the four language skills (reading, writing, listening and speaking), the school will take immediate action to support both the student and his parents.

    To make sure that every student has a chance to reach his or her full potential, the following methods are used:

    • Debate.

    • Theatre and drama.

    • Composing argumentative, persuasive articles, essays, etc.

    • Public speaking.

    • Presentations.

    • Role-playing

    • Celebrating numerous holidays and events.

Statements of Policy:

  1. Teachers provide language-learning settings that are relevant and engaging, and students are able to draw connections, apply their knowledge, and transfer their knowledge and skills to real-life situations and experiences. Lifelong learning is based on this constant growth of ideas and an appreciation for the way things work.

  2. All teachers are seen as language teachers, so it's not just English teachers who can teach language.

  3. Cultural diversity is believed to be the bridge that allows students to cross to the safe side of the global language.

  4. All subject teachers are well aware of the significance of incorporating the language skills (Writing, reading, listening, speaking, presenting, debate, etc.) in their in-class activities.

  5. Students are given the chance to use their language in real-life situations.

  6. To improve their language skills, remedial assistance and extra-curricular programs are always available.

  7. Teachers and students engage in inquiry-based learning through utilizing language as a medium.

  8. The writing of both students and teachers is highlighted. Students are permitted to publish their work.

  9. Through a variety of contests and competitions, home reading is promoted.

  10. Students are encouraged to engage in language-related inquiry.

  11. The student's native language is helped at school and at home by the involvement of the parents.

  12. Teachers have an appreciation for and an interest in other languages. They recognize and expand upon their kids' linguistic proficiency.

  13. Students typically participate in conversations, debates, and dialogues that increase their understanding.

  14. Students reflect on their learning and selves through the use of language.

  15. The faculty has rigorous learning and application standards for each student.

  16. Regularly, students' language development is enriched by the use of technology and visual resources.